Good app for playing on line. Like the player ratings and pass the device. Computer is easy to beat takes stupid dbls and leaves unnecessary open blots. I practice by playing against myself on pass device setting.
Good app for playing on line. Like the player ratings and pass the device. Computer is easy to beat takes stupid dbls and leaves unnecessary open blots. I practice by playing against myself on pass device setting.
Computer moves done very well
Poor algorithm performance.
Had a long history of game statistics and they were all reset by the upgrade. Also despite the claim there is no longer a record of game points in stats, only match points which in single game play does not record doubling scores.
Stay away. Get anything else but this. Terrible balance when playing against the computer. Losing again and again to the commuter which constantly gets the lucky roll is no fun.
Much better than the earlier versions which relied on fixing the dice instead of intelligent play. Good graphics, good play, well done game.
So if you accidentally press the on/off button you get disconnected and you lose??? Who programs this app, five year olds???All the updates for this???? Laughable....
This is the alpha dog of board games! Love the AI!
Impossible to play with other player at game center ???
This game should be called CHEATY CHEAT McCHEAT. Who wants to play a game where the computer cheats? Answer: no one. Fake random players, whos name doesnt show up on GameCenter, because they are cheating computer players... MAKE THIS GAME NOT CHEAT!!!!!!! Oh ya, FAKE UPDATES to get rid of bad reviews...classic! ZERO stars.
I love this game, especially when it gives me the opportunity to play against other people online. However recently it is unable to connect to game Center to find a match. When will this be fixed??? :(
無料なのに必要な機能やレーティングまで備えて使いやすい。相手も簡単に見つかるいい感じのアプリです。 ただ、一つだけ、オープニングロール(最初の賽の目)にゾロ目が出ることがあるのは直してほしい。実際にはあり得ませんからね。 それが直れば☆5つです。 【追記】 メールで問い合わせしたらこんな返事が来ました。でもそんなルールって聞いたことないなぁ… Doubles should never appear in the first roll of the first game of a match. But they are allowed for all other games in the match as the winner of the last game goes first.
Not bad
The unbelievable rolls the computer gets on a regular basic just make this unplayable and not work my time. Many other well made enjoyable apps out there to play. This is just plain frustrating.
It seems that in more advanced modes, the computer simply has luckier rolls. High doubles repeatedly. Not a very satisfying experience. The interface is good and provides better experience when playing a person rather than computer, i.e., pass the board.
Dont bother playing the computer. Other than simply frustrating the end user, I dont see the point in allowing the computer to roll anything other than randomly. Why not fair dice?
Game Center games crash literally every single time you play after a few moves. There are free bg apps if you want to play vs a computer. Wish i could get a refund.
Latest version fixes bugs that cut short my games. Much better reliability now. Easy to use to play opponents worldwide. Nice features. Keeps games moving. Easy to see.
I learned how to play competitively at the highest level from this app - I am not the person who owns this app - I had bought the app twice - closed the icon & lost the game - it would be fair to tell this player how his sister can get it back without paying a 3rd time!