FaceMe Backgammon App Reviews

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Warning: Update resets statistics to 0

It would have been nice to get a heads up from the devs about how v. 4 will completely erase all of the statistics that have been accrued over the years, and that updating will wipe out all the data for the many 1000s of games that may previously have been played. (Also, the new animations are pretty jerky and hard to set to a familiar speed.) Disappointed.

Abysmal Update

I have been using this app for a long time, but unfortunately the latest update has caused me to consider deleting it. Like the other reviewers, I kept observing incidences of highly unlikely dice rolls, and aesthetically, I dislike the look and feel of the new version as well. Hopefully they will soon revert to what was working well in the first place.

Cheats worse after update

Its that simple. I cant play it anymore.

you ruined this game with your update

i like old one,new one have bugs...cheats...bad dice roll animation..........

Thanks for ruining a good game

The last update ruined this game. Now if you play anyone with a lower rating than you, the dice rolls are almost always to your opponents favor, so you will lose almost every match to a lower ranked player, but will only lose 3 points per match. So if you want to win, only play opponents with a higher ranking than you. Not fun anymore!

Hate the new version

After waiting for the new version to be compatible with my iPhone 6, I find that I hate the version. The animation of the movement of the pieces drives me crazy. Going to delete the app. Previous review ... Updating my previous review to 2 stars. It has become absurd how one sided to the computers advantage the game is in expert mode. It never gives a good roll when you are on the bar, whereas it gives itself perfect "get off the bar" rolls almost all the time. I grow weary of the one-sidedness. Previous review: I play this game very often in expert mode. Its challenging but it almost always rolls exactly to hit my open pieces. It also issues low combinations on the dice to me when Im bearing off while rolling high number combinations and doubles to itself. It also asks to double when it knows it is about to do something that will really set you back. Therefore I usually do not accept its doubles. I think the developed made a good game but it seems fixed to me. I see other reviewers saying the same thing.

Used to be good and enjoyable, but no longer

Each version gets worse, and this new version has not improved either. I used to like this game a lot, but the dice algorithm has gotten horrible. The computer almost always gets the rolls it needs to bump your pieces, but you dont get them to bump the computers pieces. Its horribly one sided. Despite assurances from the developer via email that people are seeing patterns and problems with the dice that do not exist, it is obvious something has gone wrong somewhere. Ive always played at expert level. If nothing has changed, why has my winning percentage dropped from about 75% to less than 40%? I doubt I suddenly forgot how to play the game.

Best one, love it

Play every day, have so much fun

Best backgammon app Ive seen.

User friendly, quick, covers all the bases.

Best BG game for my iPad

Quite challenging

Great app

Best on Ive found for backgammon

Cheats sooooo bad

I noticed that all of the previous reviews are removed. I dont know why, but this game has at best a 3 star average, and this is why. After the update, the cheating is worse. Again, No one gets 10 doubles to come back from a losing a gammon to winning a gammon. And its not isolated situations either. The game is rigged. It gets what it wants, when it wants it. It takes risks that no one in his right mind would and the risks pay off. This indicates that the computer knows what the dice roll will be for at least the next roll. It keeps your peace captured by giving you useless doubles. Computer lands on the first or second roll when there is only one place open in your home. It wont let you land when there is only one closed space. Gives you the double role for the closed space all the time. It is shameless. Shameless! Waste of money.

Game turned to crap.

This at one time was such a great game, now the app cheats like you could not even comprehend. You only get doubles when you cant move them. The computer get doubles every time it needs them. Sorry guys you have turned this app to garabage. Of course this review will be removed quicklys so. I hope someone benefits from it.

It cheats

When in advanced mode and playing against the computer, it gives the computer rolls and combinations that arent possible ever, doubles 3 times in a row and combinations to perfectly block. Its ok to be a tough adversary, but please be realistic.

Would recommend

Last major version changes have been generally successful resulting in an app that I would recommend.

Definitely cheats

Used to love this game, but the programmers definitely got lazy. Tried to make the game appear smarter by rigging the rolls. Its very obvious.

Love it!

You can play with someone else or with the computer, either way its supercool!

Could Be Better

The game play is very good. However, the algorithm "random.org" is not realistic. The computer gets every roll it needs and takes away from the fun and spontaneity of the game.


Obviously rigged.


After tens of thousands of roles the computer has a one half percentage point higher in doubles than I do which is statistically unreal. Only time I get doubles is when I cant get a piece in or am winning and dont need them. For example I have two pieces left to get off and get a double six. I think the game is rigged but for the life of me cant figure out why.

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