Stay away. Very frustrating game to play. I wont call it cheating but the computer gets all the rolls it needs. No fun.
Stay away. Very frustrating game to play. I wont call it cheating but the computer gets all the rolls it needs. No fun.
Before the last update it worked great. Since the update it will not complete the update and is "frozen" so that it cannot be deleted and reloaded. I sent an email to developer and was told to contact Apple, who of course do not have anything to do with app support! This is the only game that is acting this way, so is not an iPad issue.
I replaced a competitors app with this one. The online matches are fair, but rolling against the computer is a joke. Algorithms are skewed, no doubt. Its time for an upgrade.
The unlimited match has not worked in the last few versions even though they listed it as a fix. Used to be good but now very predictable.
Truly awful - computer controlled rolls have ruined the game - even set on random. Dont waste your time.
Really poorly done algorithm that results in very one-sided games. Needs a big fix!!!
Used to work but broken after ios8. No response from developer.
I love this app - but the last update makes it crash all the time. Seems like the connection with the Game Center is the problem, its always freezing and I lose my game. Please fix it - this is my favorite game.
This is the worst version of Backgammon out there. Its not realistic at all.
This game used to be great, with the ai providing a good challenge. Today, its providing the ultimate challenge, not even letting me play against it. Almost every time I start the game up it freezes on the game board. This started in the past couple of months and a game I used to play regularly over the past 3-4 years has been reduced to never play. Hope this gets fixed, but itll probably be too late for me. Ill be finding a new backgammon app shortly.
UPDATE: Finally gives me a better reason to find another app. Ive wanted to quit this app for awhile because of its AI which makes obvious blunders, now that it barely works for iOS8 I can lay this one aside. Might come back just to give bad reviews though. Noticed recently that you can offer the CPU to resign game and it will accept even though it has the opportunity for a gammon (worth more points). Developers should fix this easily. As a backgammon fan and tournament player and after trying other iPhone backgammon apps this is one of the better apps in a slew of terrible backgammon apps. As for single player, the computer, CAN be challenging. He often makes some really bad decisions like leaving a pip exposed while up in the race for NO reason giving the player an opportunity to get back in the game. Give me more options for match length! The graphics are so so but definitely playable. Also I would like to see a roll for who goes first. Upgrade those and I would give it five stars. Online play: I used to get matched up with another player right away in 3 or 5 game matches, now I am lucky if I can find someone to play in any match length.
Really bad cheater.
i love this game its my favorate game ❤️❤️❤️❤️
The computer just knows what rolls are needed to pounce on you. Its amazing how it just gets the perfect rolls. Coincidence?
Ive been playing this app for years, and have considered it the best available for the game. But the new update doesnt do it for me. I dont care for the new look and animations at all. Yes, its faster and likely more stable, but there was no need to change the visuals. Pips are smaller, numbers are harder to read, and the new way of showing available moves is confusing. If it aint broke, dont fix it... And if it is broken, fix the broken part - Dont mess with what was working!
I dont like the white screens. The fonts are now too small to read. Go back to the user interface we all enjoyed.
I agree completely with the first four reviewers about this new update. I also preferred the previous interface. When you play against the computer at increasing difficulty levels, this should not mean that the computer constantly rolls what it needs to land on you and rolls many doubles. It should mean that the computer makes better decisions with its moves. Also, with the new update, all of my stats were wiped clean, and I lost my record of years of ongoing matches with the computer.
Of all backgammon apps, This used to be the best. The latest update is horrible from the animations and the overall look. I loved playing - I wont be using it until you fix it!
With every update the quality of this game goes down.
I played this game every day for years - noooo more - last update done by a drunk riding a burro backwards